Christoph Viscorsum (formerly known as Christoph Mayer chm.)
At the heart his art is the exploration of places and situations which invite and engage his audience in participatory observation and active discourse. He creates situations in which body, space and thoughts merge. Apart from numerous exhibitions, among others at SECESSION Vienna, the Academy of Arts Berlin or at the Frankfurter Positionen, Christoph Viscorsum has installed several permanent art projects such as the Audiowalk Gusen for the site of the former Concentration Camp Gusen or the one for Berlin’s former women’s prison. He studied at the Berlin University of the Arts with Rebecca Horn, at the Vienna Academy of the Arts with Michelangelo Pistoletto as well as dance in Japan. Christoph lives in Berlin and is a passionate father for four children, especially in everyday life.

Andreas Hagelüken
studied musicology, philosophy and art history. Begins his career in radio art and sound artist at Sender Freies Berlin. Numerous productions for radio stations in Germany and Europe. Projects for the Goethe-Institute in Mexico-City, Shanghai and Minsk. Free sound archive hoerspielbox.de. Lecturer for Ars Acustica at Universität der Künste Berlin and Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Has been working with Christoph Viscorsum since 2005 and his idea of Audiowalk Gusen.

Julia Stoff
studied English language and literature, Spanish, art history, journalism and Italian at the universities of Salzburg, Glasgow and Seville. She was project manager and assistant to the artistic directors for Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture, curator at the OK Center of Contemporary Art and curatorial assistant at dOCUMENTA (13). Since 2012, she has been working as a free curator, producer and translator, among others for the Berliner Festspiele, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Federal Cultural Foundation or the Academy of the Arts of the world, Cologne. The fundament for the collaboration with Christoph Viscorsum was laid, after dealing with trouble shooting working for Linz09, during their cooperation for Wunderkammer Oberösterreich Bunte Steine – was bleibt, together with Martin Heller.
A Project by Christoph Viscorsum
in cooperation with Andreas Hagelüken
Curatorial consultant and head of production: Julia Stoff
In charge of parish church Bad Ischl, church projects 2024: Teresa Kaineder, Christian Öhler
Tourist board Bad Ischl: Jakob Reitinger
Alpenverein: Adi Sifkovits, Gerhard König, Thomas Pflügl
Dramaturgical consulting: Thomas Wendrich
Scientific advice: Clava Grimm
Technical advice: Titus Maderlechner, Kortwich Filmtontechnik Berlin, Jean Sczymscak
Legal advice: Peter Raue
Communication: Martin Lengauer, die jungs kommunikation
Graphics: Moritz Appich
Photography: Mirjana Vrbaški
Controlling: Thomas Bold
Translation: Lisa Shoemaker
Porter&Stand-in: Christine Sickinger
Project partner
Kulturhauptstadt Europas Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024
Stadtfarre Bad Ischl – kirchliche Projekte 2024
Tourismusverband Bad Ischl
Österreichischer Alpenverein (Sektion Salzkammergut, Landesverband Oberösterreich).
Head of programme European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024: Lisa Neuhuber / Martina Rothschädl
We would like to thank our project partners
Elisabeth Schweeger, Manuela Reichart, Martina Rothschädl, Lisa Neuhuber, Stefan Heinisch (European Cultural Capital Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024)
Christian Öhler und Teresa Kaineder (Parish chuch Bad Ischl)
Adi Sifkovits, Gerhard König, Thomas Pflügl (Österreichischer Alpenverein)
Jakob Reitinger (Tourismusverband Bad Ischl)
We would like to extend our special thanks to all test hikers
Hanna Berger, Jasmin Chansri, Barbara Colle, Tile von Damm, Doris Höflmair, Veronika Kirchner, Stefanie Macher, Dominika Meindl, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Ernst Puchberger, Robert Rahnefeld, Elisabeth Reiter, Claudia Schallauer, Tanja Schult, Sein Schmidt, Slavica Serdar, Christine Sickinger, Markus Staudinger, Ursula Stoff, Hans Wagner and Stefan Zwickl,
and to the cabin landlords and landladies
Herbert und Renate Silbermayr (Ischlerhütte), Gabi, Leon und Nu (Hochkogelhaus), Florian Marl (Appelhaus), Klaus Dieterstorfer, Hannes Hesse and Susanne Cooper as well as Franz Schanzl (Pühringerhütte), Michael Heinrich (Prielschutzhaus) and to the sections Bad Ischl, Wels and Linz of the Austrian Alpenvereins, to the friends of nature and the Austrian Tourist Board.
Additional thanks for support in all kinds of ways go to
Frank Kraft, Henny Liebhart-Ulm, Karin Linorter, Michael Rothärmel, Christina und Christoph Malzer, Stephan Rabl, Simon Bergmann, Georg Rothwangl.